Quies Pure Wax Ear Plugs (8 Pairs) help with trying to sleep, concentrate, or just simply rest in a noisy environment can be extremely difficult—and frustrating. At Quies, we have been helping people block out irritating noise since 1918. Our natural wax earplugs boast a noise reduction rating of 27 dB, making them highly effective at protecting your ears and preventing hearing loss. Don’t let deafening sounds and loud conversations put your peace of mind—and your hearing—at risk!
Because they are made from natural wax, Quies wax earplugs warm to your body’s temperature and adapt to the unique shape of your ear canal. In fact, they are so comfortable that you may even forget you are wearing them! Quies wax earplugs are hypoallergenic and perfect for prolonged wear.
Ear Plugs are made of wax so the heat of your ear canal moulds the plugs to your ear and the result is increased comfort and an air-tight seal.
Using earplugs while sleeping will significantly raise the quality of sleep. This is due to the fact that they can block out noises that would otherwise keep someone awake. If you are a light sleeper, or you live in an area that is quite noisy (including a household containing children or pets) no doubt you have been jostled awake many a night by something that earplugs would prevent. Poor-quality sleep over a long period of time can lead to problems with high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, obesity, strokes, and even heart attacks. In addition, it has been shown that not receiving enough sleep or decent sleep can lower immune function and cause inflammation in the body. It is essential for every person to not only get adequate hours of sleep but to also get quality shut-eye.
Tear away the cotton wool and warm the wax slightly in your hands before moulding to a shape resembling a typical earplug and inserting in your ear. -
Storage Information
Do not store above 25cDo not store above 25c, away from direct sources of heat and humidity. Keep in original container